What is Video Marketing?

As the name suggests, video marketing is the use of video to mark your presence in the market, boost sales & encourage engagement with your target demographic.

Though overlapping with content marketing, it is a greatly significant part of digital marketing. The idea of video marketing isn’t new, but its notable surge in importance on every channel & platform is. One might say that it has become an integral part of your online marketing strategy.

You may be wondering why that is. We would ask you to take a minute, & think of one of the most popular applications in the world: Youtube. In that sentence alone, the biggest information has already been offered- that it is preferred by a number of people. In fact, it is reported that per day there are 1 billion hours of Youtube social video watches, & it is only one of the platforms that offer video-watching privileges. Even Instagram has jumped on the bandwagon, having released IGTV, a separate forum for watching & uploading extended videos.

For one, video is a relatively easy-to-digest format for the consumer. It allows them some repose from the abundance of textual information. It can be greatly engaging, & can even have the influence to persuade a bias. Plus, it’s entertaining, & very accessible to anyone with an internet connection.

Importance of Video Marketing

Not only is video marketing valuable because it attracts & engages the consumer, it is also preferred by marketers themselves, & the stats don’t let us forget it: Hubspot says that 78% of people watch online videos every week, whereas 54% watch videos each day. Research by Google finds that 6 out of 10 people prefer watching online videos instead of television. Videos are seen as high-quality content by search engines, & so using optimised videos for online marketing can make your brand SEO-approved.

And that isn’t even the end of it. Further benefits of video marketing include:

  • Anyone can make a video; so it may be time-consuming & intricate work, but it is accessible for anyone to watch or produce
  • It can be cost-effective
  • It can potentially give a big return on investment (ROI) through a number of channels
  • Video marketing is a good way to attract, engage & entertain the consumer, all the while relaying your story to them
  • It gives the marketer access to a large audience
  • Videos can help the viewer better understand the products &/or services offered by the marketer

The Process of Video Marketing

Our team uses five simple steps to ensure our clients get to enjoy all the benefits of video marketing.

First, we aim to understand your marketing goals & objectives. This will help in forming the concept for your video, & measure the success & ROI of the marketing campaign. We will then create a strategy that will ensure the achievement of the outcomes our client desires. Once they are completely satisfied, we will continue to put together a script & start the process of filming & editing. Finally, we will publish the video on all the online forums our clients would prefer.

Creating a video may sound like a lot of work, & it truly can be. That is why we at Digicoms offer to take care of all the work for you. Not only does our team ensure that the video content is definitive of your brand identity & voice, but that it keeps in mind the target demographic of the company as well, all the while delivering high-quality content.

Why Video Marketing?

It is the best way to attract & engage consumers. Video is a means of educating & informing through entertainment. 97% of marketers shared that videos help consumers understand the products they are offered. Visual representations with an audio background are normally more informative than textual data. Seeing a product in action helps consumers repose trust in the brand & what they offer. Plus, visual data lasts in memory longer than many other forms of information.

Furthermore, 90% of consumers claim that a video will help them make a purchasing decision. Therefore, video marketing has great convincing power. Not only is it a useful tool to relay your voice to their audience, it is markedly helpful in persuading the viewer of your brand’s products &/or services. Video marketing can boost conversion rates up to 80%.

Live videos can also help personalise the marketing experience. According to Cisco, it will account for 13% of the traffic by 2021. Real-time content offers audience updates in a casual, conversational manner, which keeps them engaged & interested. Moreover, it builds brand trust, & can substitute for an actual face-to-face interaction due to its own personal nature.

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